Wednesday, April 19, 2017

5 Tips for Proper Flossing!

Have you flossed today? Make sure you are doing it at least once a day! If you don't floss, you miss cleaning 35% of the tooth surface! Missing that 35% of the tooth surface often leads to cavities, gum disease, and even tooth loss. 

Follow these 5 tips to maximize your flossing.

  1. 18 Inches around middle fingers:Unwind about 18 inches of floss, one side around your middle finger and the rest around the opposite middle finger.
  2. Thumb and pointer finger: Grasp floss tightly between your thumb and pointer finger and gently insert between your teeth.
  3. "C" shape: With the floss moving against the side of the tooth make a "C" shape.
  4. Up and down: Rub the tooth with the floss up and down while keeping the floss pressed against the tooth. It is important to do this movement slowly so you are not damaging your gums.
  5. Between ALL teeth: Lastly, floss between ALL of your teeth, even behind the very back ones. 

A toothbrush is simply not able to fit between your teeth leaving the bacteria to turn into plaque which, again, leads to cavities, gum disease, and even tooth loss. Floss is made specifically to help clean your teeth and prevent these things from happening and, lucky for us, it is a quick and easy task to add to our day. 

Yet another tip! The ADA suggests flossing before you brush. This will allow the fluoride in your toothpaste access more of the surface of your tooth making brushing more effective.

Think about it this way, your floss is a detailed paintbrush and the toothbrush is a paint roller. You could paint your kitchen with just one of them, but together your result is much more satisfying.

For more information on the importance of flossing or answers to other dental health questions, call Glacier Dental to reserve a time to talk to one of our dental health experts! 920-235-3251.

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