Wednesday, April 12, 2017

What's the purpose of a Dental Filling anyway?

For hundreds of years, dental fillings have been used to restore teeth. Dental fillings are placed in teeth where a dentist has had to remove tooth structure due to decay or fracture. In recent years filling materials have been substantially improved by many technological advancements. Although silver amalgam was the dominant choice years ago, today we have several other preferred options for tooth restoration including tooth colored composite filling materials.

Why do you want a Composite Filling?
·        Decayed teeth require fillings to restore strength and health of natural teeth. Basically, if you want to keep your tooth around, a filling is going to put a halt to the decay. If you decide to not treat the decaying tooth by getting a filling you are putting yourself at risk that the decay progresses until the point where a crown is needed. Or, even worse, the tooth structure is not stable enough to be saved and they only option is to remove the tooth. It will never hurt or cost less than it does right now!

What is a Composite Filling?
The composite filling material is made of a synthetic composite resin (plastic material) that replaces the damaged or destroyed portion of tooth structure caused by trauma or decay. It bonds to the tooth and is sealed after to maintain the color, unlike the Amalgam (silver filling) that can get weak, expand or contract, even crack and leak.

At Glacier Dental we do not do amalgam (silver) fillings, but we do properly dispose of them when they are being replaced. If you are ready to schedule your filling appointment, call now, 920-235-3251!

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